7 pm. 19.7-16.8.2019

At Last Failed


It's time again for the Les Complices* summerwindow. We are happy to announce that T.W.I.N.S will show their installation At Last Failed. Come by and join the opening which will also be the last event before the summer break.

Is it too much to ask to be un-happy? "At Last Failed" is a demand for un-happiness as a demand for respect and reciprocity. It is a call for acting on un-happy emotions as a political statement and an approach to deal with the promises of capitalism. It involves not only a struggle for un-happiness but also a struggle against happiness as defined by hegemonic normative narratives. The videos are T.W.I.N.S.' ongoing efforts to confront the given possibilities in their daily lives where their precarious existence clashes with the gentrified forms of happiness.

T.W.I.N.S. are more than 2 affect aliens who currently work their asses off to sustain themselves and make art happen at the same time in zurich.

The installation in the Sommerwindow will be shown from the 19th of July to the 16th of August.

Gated Nature © T.W.I.N.S

Gated Nature © T.W.I.N.S