
How to greet like a Jamaican: Step 1

15./16./17. Oktober, from 4pm to 8pm

One-to-One Performance
How to greet like a Jamaican: Step 1
~15 min, 
By Zwoisy Mears-Clarke

How to greet like a Jamaican: Step 1 is an invitation in the broadest sense. In a one-to-one setting we explore how each of us uses our own bodies to establish, suggest, define and reinforce our relationship to another person– a question that comes up in daily life when we meet a person we impulsively prescribe as 'Other'. Inspired by social practices physically and psychologically inscribed onto the artist while growing up in Jamaica, the piece becomes a physical approach towards the experience of treating strangers as family.

The Performance is part of the exhibition Hands On - Techniken des Berührens.

Please make an appointment for the one-to-one performance with Zwoisy Mears-Clarke

Write us an email: info@lescomplices.ch 
Please note: There is a limited number of participants. We will respect the sequence of incoming emails.