19 Uhr

Les Complices* Sommerfest 2015 - SUMMER OF LOVE

Les Complices* laden zum Somemrfest ein:

Lets make pleasure together!

Betörendes Essen, heisse Beats und klirrende Drinks!

Mit Dj Vulvarine!

You can’t tell who was and who wasn’t in a band. We did not like poseurs but we liked to pose for pictures. Because we knew there was something about the night that would be remembered even if we couldn’t remember it. We were young and naive in a way that seems to be a lost art. We were snotty and compassionate and deliberate and reckless but we knew exactly what we were doing. We were ghosts then and we are ghosts now. We will haunt your malls and catwalks forever. Ha Ha. 

Exene Cervenka